Believe in Unicorns – Magic is the Ultimate Game-Changer

Toronto, May 23, 2011

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Lady Gaga is my hero. According to The New York Times (05/22/11), she has become “the flashiest and most ubiquitous pop star of the 21st Century”. She is “the queen that pop needs her to be”. She refreshes her image at Internet speed, while she sells multi-millions of albums and plays to sold-out arenas around the world.

But that’s not why she’s my hero. She’s my hero because she believes in Unicorns, so much so that she had one tattooed on her left thigh. Talking about her album, Born This Way, she states, “The unicorn for me is a mythical creature and magic. I believe this album attempts to annihilate the idea that magic is not real. I believe magic is real. I believe fantasy is real. I live halfway between reality and fantasy all the time.”

Her pace is also relentless. “No-one works like this girl”, said Jimmy Iovine, the chairman of Interscope Geffen A&M Records, her label.

The differences between Lady Gaga and Mike Lipkin couldn’t be more dramatic. But in one respect, we’re exactly the same – we both believe in magic and hard work. So what is magic? It’s an irresistible charm, influence or power that transcends experience and defies convention. Sometimes it manifests itself as an unexplainable wonder. And sometimes, we create it through our own purpose, passion, talent, courage and tenacity.

Spring is sprung. It’s the season of rebirth. The warmth is returning. It’s light until late. The blossoms are blooming. The birds are singing. The sights, sounds and smells of renewed possibilities are everywhere. It’s magical. It’s the time to rediscover, refresh, reinvent, and reset our personal resources.

Magic is the new game-changer because excellence is the new commodity. We expect excellence. We’re awed by Magic. It’s the ultimate differentiator. Sometimes, it’s a quantum leap and sometimes it’s a baby step. Sometimes, it’s once-in-a-lifetime and sometimes it’s everyday. But it’s always an experience that wins a standing ovation silently or out loud.

I know you have the Magic. The question is: are you making your magic real or are you letting it languish? Are you playing with passion or are you going through the motions? Are you transferring your joy to others or are you net neutral? Are you orchestrating their success or are you only focused on yourself? Are you engaged in something that fires you up? Or are you acting with apathy? Are you aware of your magic? Or are you on automatic pilot? Are you fully expressed? Or are you going unplayed?

It’s been a brutal winter, and I’m not just talking about the weather. The perfect storm is wearing all of us down. Whether we’re the dominant player or the underdog, it’s taking all we have to stay ahead of the curve. It’s easy to become cynical and fatigued. It’s easy to lose sight of our dream. It’s easy to be fearful. The majority of people are. Our research indicates that less than a third of people think that things are getting better. Less than twenty percent think their lives are “excellent”. Almost half say that they’re struggling to keep up with the challenges confronting them.

And here’s what I believe: it’s not going to get easier any time soon. So don’t bank on things getting better, bank on yourself getting better. Step back from the brink. Take a deep breath of spring air. Stretch. Think about your favorite things. Think about the best experience you’ve had this year. Think about your greatest strength. Think about the most valuable contribution you’ve made to anyone since January 1 2011. Think about the most valuable contribution that others have made to you. Think about what really excites you. Think about the biggest prize you want to achieve by December 31 2011. Tell someone you love them. Take the pause that will refresh you. And help others take it as well.

Here’s where I find my magic: My wife; sharing ideas with anyone; coaching others and being coached on how to achieve remarkable results; creating this video and podcast; physical vitality – being able to exercise vigorously without discomfort; watching or hearing extraordinary insights through podcasts on my iPad or iPod; barbecued salmon or perfectly prepared sushi; always fresh coffee from Tim Hortons; old Milwaukee beer on a hot day after an intense workout; creating a new program with my friend Teddy; winning a pitch for the next talk or seminar; Jack Bauer and Lady Gaga’s music videos.

Bring on the magic. Anything less makes you vulnerable. So here is Lipkin’s Personal Recipe for Making Magic:

1. Remind yourself why you’re gifted. I’m serious. You’re blessed with an abundance of assets. Take stock both inside and out. Gratitude is a source of great power.

2. Play to your greatest strength. Rediscover your Genius. It’s the one thing you do so well, others are amazed by it. In case you haven’t noticed, mine is talking and writing. What’s yours?

3. Set Yourself an Achievable Dream with a deadline. Motivation is an inside job. Keep your eye on the prize and the prize will pull you towards it. Imagine the possibility. Make it specific. Make it real in your own mind. Make it big, bold and bright. In my case, by the fall, I will create a mind-blowing, heart-warming, soul-stirring program on how to achieve colossal success with, through and for others.

4. Do the hard work. Practice your strength deliberately. Develop your capacity. Plug into your environment. Be the ultimate subject matter expert about your strength. There’s no magic bullet, just a magical journey. Be relentlessly curious. That’s why I’m creating this message. When the student is ready, the teacher always appears.

5. Bring Pleasure To Others. Be pleasure-able. Deliver delight. Enable enjoyment. Put a smile on others’ faces. Generate their laughter. Welcome them to well being. We all want to be with people who make us happy. Play this role well and you’ll be paid very well. Do it for the love and the money will follow.

6. Collaborate With The Best. Magic is a tribal ritual. It’s created by collective intelligence. It’s a partnership of people pooling their power and insights. It means becoming the kind of person others want to invite to their parties. It’s more than just being a teamplayer; it’s about being a catalyst – someone who precipitates unprecedented outcomes with energy and verve.

7. Reinvest and Reset. Burn bright but don’t burn out. Above all, take care of yourself. Pay yourself first. Recharge between sets so you can reset yourself. Take timeouts so you can be outstanding. Everything has its season. And every season has a beginning, middle and an end. But every season renews itself year after year. Just like you. This too shall pass so make it magnificent.

That’s it from me. Abracadabra. It’s the season to be magical so go cast your spell.

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