You Belong Here

How To Make People Feel Safe To Be Their Best, Take Bold Risks and Win
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The Potentiator

The Potentiator is someone that increases others’ strength and effectiveness. They bring people together so they can achieve more than they could separately. They help actualize others’ dreams. They produce more energy than they consume. They cause breakthroughs by helping others play at their best.
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Nous vivons une véritable tempête sans fin. Le changement et les crises ne cessent de se multiplier, tout comme la croissance et les opportunités. L’avenir appartient à ceux qui peuvent décoller contre des vents de face. Ceux qui innovent le plus rapidement et le plus longtemps gagnent.
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The 8 Secrets to Becoming a Super Virtual-Impactor

Super Virtual-Impactor: Someone that motivates others online to take action because they believe it will help them get what they want.

Covid is “virtualizing” every aspect of our lives – especially the way we
communicate. No matter what comes next, screen-to-screen contact will be the dominant form of interaction. More than any other factor, success will come from mastering the art of online presentation and communication.
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Dancing With Disruption

This program is filled with mind-opening insights and examples that will inspire you to act like a disruptor – someone that creates the future one step at a time. There is an amazing breakthrough that is currently just beyond your reach. Mike Lipkin will help you grasp it. The people closest to you are counting on it. It’s time to dance.
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Lead Like a Coach, Whatever You Do

No matter what you do, you’re a leader and you’re a coach. The two are inseparable from each other. Leading without coaching is malpractice. It’s short-sighted, unsustainable and selfish. On the other hand, “Leading like a coach” Is when you enable, not mandate. You inspire, not intimidate. You expand, not constrict. You make people happy, not miserable – including yourself.
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How to Become a Champion Collaborator

Champion Collaborators help others succeed in a way that motivates others to invest more time and resources with them.
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How to Communicate Like a Champion

Highly Effective Communication is the secret sauce of today’s Champions. It is the process of sharing information and transferring emotions in such a way that others are motivated to take the desired actions.
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