Be A Candidate For What’s Possible

Toronto, April 13, 2011

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It’s Election Time, And I’m Not Talking Federal Politics. Today is Election Day. Surprise, surprise: every day is Election Day. That’s the problem with life – it’s so daily. 24 hours is the new term of office.

We are all our own party. We have our own riding. We have our own electorate – they’re our family, friends, community, customers, colleagues, and fellow-citizens of our country and our planet.

How many people should be voting for you who don’t even know you exist? Why would they vote for you? Are more people voting for you today than yesterday? Or are they switching allegiances? How do you know? Simple: people vote with their legs – either towards or away from you.

Besides life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness, peace, order and good government, no one owes you anything. Even freedom from fear isn’t guaranteed. Freedom isn’t free. Nor is acceptance, connection, recognition, fulfillment, or prosperity. It’s all earned, all the time.

It’s hard work but it’s not a chore. It’s the contest of life. It’s how we keep score. It’s how we constantly and conspicuously deliver superior value to our fellow constituents. When we tire of campaigning, others tire of us.

There’s a key distinction between people tolerating us and treasuring us. The passenger next you on the subway has little choice but to ride with you. Your colleagues could have no choice but to work with you. Your partner may feel obligated for better or for worse to stay with you. Your children may simply endure you. And your mother will always love you.

But what about those vital people in your life who have a choice? They can walk away at any time. They can choose where to spend their time, their effort, their energy, their support, their passion and their money. Are you their first choice? Are you on their Most Wanted list?

Again, I’ll ask you the question: how do you know? Are they calling you? Do they return your call? Are they talking about you to others? Do they give you preference? Do they tell you how much they value you? Do you see the smile and hear the delight in their voice when you’re with them?

Are you their pleasure? Or are you a pain? It’s that binary. It’s also a conscious strategy or an unconscious way of being. When people are engaged and inviting, it’s intentional. They demonstrate their appreciation for others. They put their best foot forward. They open up their charisma glands. They purr with pleasure. That’s what makes them beautiful. It comes easier to some than others but it’s always a learned skill.

So how’s your campaign going? Are you going to win the next seat or lose it? Are you mounted on the right platform? Do you stand for what counts? Is your message simple, relevant and consistent? What’s your visibility versus your competition? Are you earning your media? Is your franchise growing? How large is your financial and social capital? Who is championing your cause? How great is your will to win? How prepared are you to knock on doors until they open?

Stephen, Michael, and Jack have hit the road. So have I, and so should you. There is no such thing as a tenured incumbent. The status quo is quaking. Job security is a nostalgic whim. Customer loyalty is more perishable than your dinner this evening. Your competition is closer than you think. The next big thing is on the way and it could blow you away.

I know you know all of this. It’s simple but it’s not easy. We’re all lured by the mirage of continuity when things are going well, and even when they’re not. Our sense of entitlement and faith in the system gets in the way of what’s required to thrive, not just survive.

That’s the trigger: are you content to just carry on? Or do you want to see how far you can go? Do you seek the safety of the herd? Or are you willing to live on the tipping point? Whoever you are, someone is counting on you to go first. Whoever you are, someone is looking to you for inspiration. Whoever you are, someone needs your contribution right now.

Be a Candidate for what’s possible. Be the reason why someone says something or does something they would never otherwise have done. Give people something to rally around. Cynicism is so 2009. You can be idealistic and realistic at the same time. It may even be mandatory for success.

So here are Lipkin’s Seven Personal Campaign Rules to help you win:

1. Decide To Run. Get in the game. Find a passion that lights you up. Show your joy. Relish the challenge. In my case, it’s exciting people to excite people.

2. Make a Big Promise That Will Take All You Have To Deliver. Declare the irresistible value you will bring to others in a way that plays to your unique strengths. Express it in a way that enrolls others in your campaign. Make it so enticing they take joint-ownership of making it happen. In my case, it’s coaching people on how to define and live their dream life with others.

3. Be a Maestro. Develop your knowledge and skills to such a level that it occurs to others as a form of art. To quote the great Tina Turner, be “Simply The Best”. There is no substitute for extraordinary competence. You’ve already come a long way otherwise you wouldn’t be reading this. Take it to the next level, and then the next, and the next. There is no final one. That’s why I’m writing this. It’s my way of contributing and developing at the same time.

4. Be Memorable. Unleash your inner entertainer. Say it loud or say it soft, but say it. Make others’ day by making an impact. Make yourself bigger by playing a bigger role in the lives of your constituents. Decide on your style. Choose your moments and take them. In my case, it’s being this effusive and demonstrative in front of a camera. Or it’s the multiple sparkling conversations I have every day. Or it’s the opportunity to stand up in front of a live audience and wow them.

5. Get Out There And Meet Somebody. Campaigns are never won from the comfort of your office. Pick up the phone. Attend the meetings. Join the associations. Press the flesh. Look people in the eye and make a connection. And, yes, Blog, Twitter, Facebook, and LinkIn. Don’t just download, upload. Create your own podcasts and videos – that’s what I’m doing right now. It’s never been easier to broadcast your message to the world.

6. Make Good On Your Promises. Be who you say you’re going to be. Do what you say you’re going to do. Come through for others and they’ll come through for you. Build great alliances. It’s the Law of Reciprocation and it drives all sustainable wealth and wellness. We’re only as good as the people who return the promises we’ve kept.

7. Stay The Course. Life is a long march. We all go through our own seasons. Sometimes, we may need to lie low, but most the time we need to blaze our own campaign trail. That’s where the action is. That’s where the rewards are. It’s about stamina, mojo and resilience. And age has nothing to do with it. Some of the most energized people I know are well north of 70.

That’s it. I hope you’re inspired to launch or relaunch your personal campaign. And remember, when it comes to motivating your team, Vote Mike Lipkin. Yes, you can.

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