Questions Are The Answer

Find out more about how to become The Potentiator

Hi, this is Mike Lipkin and welcome to this breakthrough moment.
Even though this video is one-way communication from me to you, I am continually aiming to spark your thinking by asking you the best questions that I can. I am counting on you to do the deep work, grapple with the concepts, dialogue with your associates, and push the envelope even further. Here are some of my favourite phrases to kickstart your breakthroughs:

– I wonder whether…
– What if…
– How about…
– What would happen if…
– Why is that happening…
– Why is that not happening…
– What do you think…
– Could we try…
– What would you do…

In my coaching sessions with C-Suite clients, I encourage them to come to each session with consequential questions that could lead to innovative ideas and actions. Otherwise, they just come prepared to answer my questions because that’s what they are trained to do. They believe they are expected to know the answers, whereas the best leaders are really expected to know the questions.

In an interview with Time Magazine (March 02 2006), Eric Schmidt, the former CEO of Google and a leading business thinker, said, “We run the company by questions, not by answers.… Out of the conversation comes innovation. Innovation is not something that I just wake up one day and say ‘I want to innovate.’ I think you get a better innovative culture if you ask it as a question.” Become famous for your questions and you’ll help others achieve legendary results. This is Mike Lipkin. I am the Potentiator. And I approve this message.

Find out more about how to become The Potentiator

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