How To Become a One-Percenter

Toronto, July 19 2010

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2010 is halfway gone. We’re deep into the relaxing warmth of summer. It’s time to kick back and chill out. It’s also the perfect time to think about what happens next. As your work winds down (and I hope it does) your planning should be gearing up. It’s time to dream, not do. The quality of your fall and winter depends on what you see this summer. So take a break. Then create your break-through.

The first half of 2010 has been a stomach-turning, hair-raising, nerve-baring ride. This time last year, we were all shell-shocked by the brutality of the downturn. The prevailing mindset was to do nothing because it was too dangerous to do anything. It was like flying into a tornado – it was better to stay on the ground.

Now, we’ve been galvanized into action. We know the sky may get black and thunderous but it’s never going to fall in. We’ve all been to the brink of the abyss but if you’re reading this, you’ve held on. You’ve stood the immense test of time. You’ve shed the weight you didn’t need. You’ve stripped away what isn’t necessary. You’re focusing on the fundamentals. You’re smarter, faster, and stronger. Congratulations. You’ve made it this far. And if you’ve made it this far, you’ll go far.

Globally, the economic recovery is uneven. It’s strong in Asia but weak in Europe and The United States. But here’s what I know: Things will get better because you are. The economic cycle will do what it always does. Growth may come sooner or later than we expect. We will all take steps forward and then we’ll take them back. Success is not about the economy. It’s about what you do with it.

Since January 1 2010, I’ve worked with almost 50 000 people from over 100 companies around the world. The top one percent of them is literally amazing. I call them “One-Percenters”. They do things others believe are impossible and that’s how they inspire others to do more. I’ve discovered that they have ten traits in common. As I walk you through them, evaluate yourself on each one because each one will be vital to your success in the rest of 2010 and beyond. You are already amazing. Now let your actions demonstrate it.

  • One-Percenters Are Realistic Idealists: They are earthed in reality but they are driven by their cause. They believe they can change the world and they enroll others in their quest.
  • One-Percenters Are Focused: They understand the game-changers and make them their priorities. They say no to the many things that don’t count so they can say yes to the few that do.
  • One-Percenters Relish The Game: They love what they do even when they don’t. Their passion shines through. They know Life is a Contact Sport and they throw themselves into it.
  • One-Percenters are Extraordinarily Competent: They’re masters of their business. They see it from multiple points of view. They get the small details and they get the big picture. Nothing escapes their scrutiny.
  • One-Percenters are Always On: They bring their A-Game every day. Their consistency is a source of wonder to their colleagues. They do what they have to do, not what they feel like doing.
  • One-Percenters Have The Will To Win: They are unstoppable. Hyper-competitiveness is in their DNA. Silver is unacceptable.
  • One-Percenters are Highly Social: They love people. They crave interaction. They make it fun to be around them. They’re accessible. They’re connected. They reach out to others. They make others feel powerful.
  • One-Percenters Are Both Students and Teachers: They’re always questioning and learning. They’re always coaching and advising. Every crisis is an opportunity to grow. Every win is an opportunity to share.
  • One-Percenters are Contributions Others Rally Around: They’re generous with their time and their energy. They do whatever it takes to make the people around them successful. They measure themselves by others’ wellbeing.
  • One-Percenters Talk People Into Action: They are powerful communicators. They talk straight. They keep it simple. They stir their people’s emotions. They over-communicate.

That’s it. You may already be a One-Percenter or you may be a One-Percenter waiting to happen. Think about what it would take to own the Ten Traits. Share them with others. Develop your own list. The only thing that matters is that you bring out the best in others by being your personal best. All the best for the rest of 2010.

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