I wish you a quintessential 2009! It’s all about the Kwan.

Toronto, January 3 2009, 7.34pm

Here’s my one-word mantra for 2009: Quintessence

I’m writing this blog in a hybrid state of fear and fascination. I’m afraid of how I’m going to reinvent myself in 2009 and I’m fascinated by how I’m going to do it.

The revolution that began in 2008 (see https://www.mikelipkin.com//reinvent_yourself.html) will accelerate in 2009. The marketplace will be even tougher. The crises will be even more severe. The competition will be even better. Clients will be even more demanding.

So where do I begin? There are so many opportunities to pursue. There are so many priorities to satisfy. There are so many places to look. There is so much material I have to work with. I feel like I’m drinking from a firehose. I’m thirsty for the next big thing, but I feel like I’m drowning every time I try taking a sip. It’s called being overwhelmed by all the possibilities and problems.

So what’s a guy to do? Go for the Quintessence. I love that word. According to Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2006, Quintessence means: the pure and concentrated essence of a substance; the most perfect embodiment of something; (in ancient and medieval philosophy) the fifth essence or element, ether, supposed to be the constituent matter of the heavenly bodies, the others being air, fire, earth, and water.

In 2009, I will become the quintessential Mike Lipkin. I don’t know what that is yet. Unlike the automotive industry, my 2009 model may take an entire year to create. But here’s what I do know: I will be me. I will strip away the non-essential so it doesn’t cannibalize my focus and energy. I will study what is true, real and valuable to me and the people I serve. I will explore how to get to the purest, simplest solutions to the challenges I am asked to solve. I will concentrate on my “concentrated essence” and I will help others do the same. I will try to understand the most important things at their nuclear level, and if I cannot, I will find someone who will help me – just as I will help her.

I know that the quintessential Mike Lipkin will attract the favours of Angels. I will liberate my true magic to alchemize new miracles for my community. To quote Rod Tidwell, in that great movie, Jerry Maguire, “Because it’s not just the money. It’s not just the coin. It’s the Kwan. Yeah, man, it means love, respect, community…and the dollars too. The package. The Kwan.”

So that’s my mission for 2009 – to be the “Ambassador of Kwan”. I’m even going to write a book on my exploration. What’s your mission? Write me. Let’s create The Kwan together this year.

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