Living On The Brink Of Burnout Is The Cost Of Creating Breakthroughs

You must learn to live and prosper on the brink if you want to realize real change.

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Prepare To Be Wrong If You Really Want To Get It Right

We all have mental models that need a major overhaul.

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Rebound In The Year Of The Rabbit

Mike Lipkin’s Seven Ways To Rebound In The Year of The Rabbit

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Be The Safe Bet

It’s not good enough to be great at what you do. You need to continually make deposits on others’ safety account.

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Convert Your Anxiety Into Excitement

Become the source of other people’s joy and optimism and they will literally find more time for you.

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Winning In The Contradiction Economy

The difference between panic and power is your belief in your ability to control your circumstances.

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The 5 Explicit Success Trends That Will Enable You To Create Breakthroughs This Summer

When people are running scared, fortune favours the brave and the well prepared.

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Take Off Against The Headwind

Headwind takeoffs enable airplanes to generate more lift, and it’s the same with people.

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Unleash Your Imagination – Be A Perennial

How much more could you do if you were curious and committed enough to find out how far you could go?

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Now More Than Ever, Be A Source Of Good Luck

Lucky is an adjective that you want people to apply to you, especially if you become renowned for spreading your luck around.

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