Shape Shifting Faster Than The Virus

This is a scary time. We’re all facing the black swan of black swans. As a leader and influencer, your community is counting on you to guide them through unprecedented volatility. Here are Lipkin’s 15 essential-actions to activate others’ success:

  1. Communicate that this situation will take time to resolve but you’re hunting for the best solutions, together with some very smart people. This too shall pass. It always does.
  2. You’ve got to go old school – call as many people as frequently as possible. And encourage your people to do the same. Provide support; explore how they feel; let them vent; give them insights.
  3. Activate your open, reassuring, warm, charismatic persona. Proactively reach out. Don’t default to being an observer or spectator.
  4. Lean in and lead wherever possible. In these times, conviction is the antidote to panic.
  5. We’re in “wartime” with a foe that keeps morphing into something else. Make sure that people hear your faith in the future and that your organization will win.
  6. Acknowledge that people may be feeling overwhelmed. Tell them that’s normal. Then tell them to move forward one conversation at a time. Also recommend that people share their thoughts with other. We’re all both coaches and peers.
  7. Communicate that every day is a victory. We will definitely win if we try to be the best we can under the circumstances
  8. People want data. Package it in the best way and get it to them.
  9. Get creative in how you connect with customers – just like I’m doing now.
  10. You cannot over-communicate enough in this environment. Even though we cannot connect physically, we can connect virtually.
  11. Encourage training around being able to communicate effectively on video. I can even play this role for you.
  12. The small things are big. They need to be done extraordinarily well. When the crisis passes, people will remember how you performed right now.
  13. Get ideas from your stars about how they are rising to the challenges and share their stories.
  14. We’re all experimenting as we go along – we’re all leaders and followers at the same time. No-one has the answer, but those that ask the best questions will get there first.
  15. The question is: are we evolving faster than the competition?

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