Our Inner Game Determines Our Outer Game


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Hi this is Mike Lipkin and welcome to this breakthrough moment. Billy Jean King, the tennis champion, said, “Champions win when things are not quite right.” Imperfect external circumstances call forth extraordinary internal qualities to produce remarkable results. In other words, our inner game determines our outer game. Of course, it’s easier to win when the stars align. But the great ones unleash their brilliance in the face of crisis, confusion or chaos.

Paul Romer, a Stanford Economist, said, “A crisis is a terrible thing to waste.” Tension and difficulty are portals to maximum opportunity. That’s when others run for cover. They play defense. They seek the safety of security that has become illusory. Now is not the time to withdraw or pull back. It’s a time to stretch for the next magnificent milestone, and then the next and the next. When you stretch, you expand your mind or your body to its full length. You play big and you stand tall. You increase your mental and physical flexibility and mobility. You reduce your tightness and pain. A mind that is stretched is one that keeps on growing. This is Mike Lipkin. I am the Potentiator. And I approve this message.


Find out more about how to become The Potentiator


One thought on “Our Inner Game Determines Our Outer Game

  1. Mazelino

    Am currently busy reading your book called “how to be your own boss” and this book everyday changes the way i see the world and am thankful for this kind of powerfull info. Actually am your raving fan and where can i reach out to more recent books of you..and i forgot to mension that am 21 years of age and am currently running a barber shop, and am implementing your techniques and mindset change..thanks alot


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