I see my light come shining (with credit to Bob Dylan)…

Toronto, April 13 2009, 10.20pm

I won’t lie to you, it’s been a tough few weeks. I’ve questioned myself. I’ve questioned my power. I’ve questioned my business model. I’ve questioned my future. Although about 6.5 billion other people are being impacted by the global economic meltdown, it doesn’t make it any easier for me to know that. This is a struggle that is as individual as it is collective. It’s a struggle that brings us face to face with the doubts and the devil within. No matter what our past success may be, the future holds a special terror for us all.

But like you, I soldiered on. I have people who depend on me. I have people who believe in me. I have people who have already paid me to help them manage their future. Failure is never an option. Giving up is never an option. Breaking down is never an option. Never. That’s not what is at stake here. I will survive. You will survive. Human beings are designed to survive. Survival is a given. Soaring with the eagles is not. Up there is where I belong, gliding in the slipstream of angels. Until last Thursday, my wings felt heavy, waxen and sluggish although you would never have guessed it. I fought the good fight, delivered the good talks and walked the good walk. It was an effort. It was what a professional does in the absence of heartfelt lightness of being. In a way I’m proud of my ability to transcend my inner feelings. But I was also alarmed at the disappearance of my natural joie de vivre and inbred readiness for the crises ahead. Sound familiar? I’m often asked how I stay so motivated all the time. Now you know. I don’t. I suffer and slip and stumble just like you do.

It all changed last Wednesday. It could have been the way my wife kissed me that morning. It could have been the effortless three kilometres I swam at the pool on the 36th floor of The TD Tower in downtown Toronto. It could have been the rise in Dow Jones. It could have been the three engagements I won in quick succession. It could have been the extraordinary conversation I had with my friends, Ken Allen and Christian Roy. It could have been the completion of my new video series. It could have been any of these things. What I believe is that my light returned. Something is stirring. Something spectacular. The energy is resurging. The passion is reflowing. The determination is recharging. And the opportunities are re-multiplying. It’s the beginning of the next phase, whatever that phase is.

We all need a day like last Wednesday. When you’re ready, they will appear. I was ready then. I’m ready now. I’ll be ready tomorrow. And that’s the message of this blog: Be Ready. When your light comes shining, your power will be released.

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