In decisive moments, Take a risk before risk takes you.

Toronto, December 3 2008, 8.30am   I’ve just spent the last two days with a group of 200 executives from the international division of one of Canada’s largest banks. As you can imagine, the focus of the entire session was the management of risk.   In the last three months, the word “risk” has assumed…

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In insane times, be Insanely Great. Don’t be cowed by the crisis, be wowed by it.

Friday November 21 2008 – Air Canada Flight 847, somewhere between Munich and Toronto. 12pm EST I’m into the seventh hour of a nine hour flight from Munich to Toronto.  I’ve just delivered a program to Deloitte, the global professional services firm, in Hamburg, Germany. My mission was to coach a group of managers and…

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Resist. Accept. Embrace. Act. Enable. Reinvent

Toronto, 4.55am, November 12 2008 I don’t sleep so well these days. Seven hours of high quality REM sleep are a distant memory. Now it’s 5-6 hours of fitful sleep, fragmented by night-time frights and bogeymen who feed on my post-meltdown angst. On the other hand, I’ve never been more awake. I’ve never felt more…

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Be an Immigrant. Be Hungry. Be New

Toronto, Tuesday., November 4, 6.10am   Last Saturday, I facilitated a full day program with 500 new, highly skilled  immigrants to Toronto. They came from all over the world. For many of them, English is their second language. Many of them also come from countries with very different cultures to Canada. For all of them, just…

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In darker times, shine brighter. Right now.

Toronto, October 28, 8.10am   Last night, I did my daily workout at the Toronto Athletic Club. It’s an upscale gym whose members are drawn primarily from the surrounding downtown professional service community. Besides the gloomy atmosphere created by the TV report on the global stock-market meltdown, I also noted that there were less people…

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It’s going to be a long hard winter so be a Pessimistic Optimist

New York City, Sunday, October 19 2008, 10.50pm   Even the Motivator needs to be motivated. I just spent the weekend with 1000 people learning to reinvent myself, my business and my environment. Why? Because it’s going to be a long hard winter. The credit crisis is rippling out into the general economy. Trading conditions…

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Seek shelter from the storm inside your inner circle. Be Vigilant

Saskatoon, October 13 2008 11.35pm   Just when you thought it couldn’t get any wilder, it gets a whole lot weirder. From the insanity of Wall Street to the Fear on Main Street, the storm is shaking ALL of us to the core. Whether you’re a billionaire, a bureaucrat, or just Bob, you’re being forced…

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Keep your eye on the prize and the prize will pull you towards it

Iselin, New Jersey, October 6, 11.55pm   So much noise. So many distractions. So many temptations to focus on the wrong things. So many reasons to feel disturbed, dismayed and dislocated. The ante has been raised. We’re heading into deepening change and chaos. All around me, I see planned scenarios and business models being turned…

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I snapped under the pressure. Now I have to make it whole.

 Whistler, British Columbia, 11pm, September 29 2008   Last Tuesday was a very long, very bad day. I flew to Baltimore from Toronto to deliver two workshops – one for the YPO organisation and the other for the PCM Construction company. I left my house at 5.45am and returned at 9.45pm. Both sessions were fabulous.…

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Dramatic Volatility Is The New Normal. Embrace Equanimity, Lose Your Ego.

Toronto, 11.35pm, Sunday, September 22 A long time ago, I decided to place my trust and my money in Wall Street. I have invested hundreds of thousands of dollars in America’s most respected companies. Over the past week, like many others, my trust has been severely tested. By midweek, I was ready to yank out…

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